Monday, October 11, 2010

If they were a couple, it would be perfectly match!!
both terribly disgusting.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am so frustrated.
why do we need to pay for a land? a shelter? where it is suppose to be FREE, it is suppose to belong to everyone.

i think i kind of understand the world system now.
People, think abt it, why dont we use barter trade anymore? its so peaceful.

government might want to keep human busy in order to reduce crime rate (yes! its true that when people get too free, too bored, they find excitements and that is how crime exists!) but, IF we still gonna ''work'' to survive, there is not other free time for crimes.

just imaging this.. we gonna be so busy to plant food for ourselves, to build the house, to have time to love our family and friends, to relax and see the world..

oh yeah.. what i said above was really beautiful, but only the RICH can see that. Only the RICH can afford that. that is why we can see that the RICH are getting RICHER- they are smarter, they treasure their lives, their health, their time more than the POOR (bcoz they can afford it), they are kind (bcoz they are generous), they are the best.

but fucking who the hell can tell me why why why do we need to work so hard to pay for a house?!!??!! to pay for a security!?!?!?! why do we need to be a slave?!?! a slave who just cover with branded goods, expensive cosmetic, and a pair of bitchy eyes.

I really dont need MORE money. I just need a house. I just need a land. I just need a family, a group of friends. and lot of loves and freedom. then I will draw my own life, I will decide how to survive.

fuck tat dumb system. im so sorry to those who dont see it.
I will be so sorry to myself if one day I gonna end up to be blind too.

I am so sorry my family is taking part in the slavery system.

we really dont need those.
the world will be peace and beautiful if everyone realize it and stop working for those RICH / POWERFUL ass.

then I will be the 1st person to clap for it!
and see how the system break down and wait for the better life- a life which a human should have!

Friday, April 16, 2010

it is fucking annoying to hear people moan.
I need not such person in my world.


Friday, April 02, 2010

I had a dream.
a dream of my popo.
I gave her a hug and told her I miss her.

Monday, February 01, 2010

grown up = Responsibility to the family
I refuse to be a grown man

but I love my family.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

2 more papers!!!
Damn! I don't think I do well for stats today, it's unpredictably hard. I only wish my wisdom (by guessing how to do the difficult questions) is great enough to give me a D!!!!

2 more to go.
Macro oh macro.
If my drawing aka writing is neat tml, I wish I can score a HD.

Then give me 100000000 times of energy and logical thinking for my fav best subject function on this sat.

After all this.
I will be waiting to receive a glory @ average score above 70%
and that is when my new life starts to shine.

It's so unbelievable that I'm actually worry for my result this sem.
What happen to me?! :(

Friday, January 22, 2010

what is with the '' I will be there when I need you?''