Friday, March 07, 2008

A Capricorn Girl

Most Capricorn are in favour of conserving assets and are firm
supporters of all things traditional and conventional. They can also become fanatical moralists, opposing
anything that contradicts their view of the world. But they are also widely known for their generosity of nature.

The Capricorn's need to be in control can even extend to the outer limits of authoritarianism. They distrust anything spontaneous, if it tends to deflect them from their sense of purpose which is to go all out to change their environment to suit their needs.

Capricorns can be extremely rigid and pessimistic in their outlook; and gloomy and depressed (and depressing) in their interaction with other people. they can also be emotionally cold and inhibited. The prudent and cautious side of the Capricorn nature can be taken to extremes, too, sometimes into the unsociable realm of the miser.

P/s: i should not tell them.