It was then around 4am in the morning when nature called and we were urgent. We went to fullerton hotel but all the washroom door was locked. Gosh, we got no choice and walked around to see where we could find toilet. We chanced upon the Asian Civilisations Museum. We went in to look for toilet and we found it. Since admission was free, we went in to have a look at the exhibits as well. There were many galleries for the different country's culture. I especially like the one about China. They even showed the clothes of late Emperor Kang Xi. There were many many things that we saw but the only camera around and my phone is battery dead! It was such a pity. We could have taken many nice and meaningful ones. Oh well, below are some that we managed to take.
These are the books from the Ming dynasty if I am not wrong.
These are the books from the Ming dynasty if I am not wrong.
One of the teachings from the wise.
We stayed at the museum till about 6 am. We really went to look at all the exhibits.
Anyway, I had a very bad gastric that night. It was so bad till I actually puke out all the gastric in a sudden! The Thai Exhibition is too eerie.. especially when you visit it in the mid night!!