guess what? this BURGER KING FREE size shirt is only $8!!! i bought it from Flea Market at cineleisure there with the flower dress! ( not really sure will i wear the dress not, hehe..)
Okie this is from MUJI! nice right? Transparent toothbrush! hehe.. me and claris went to jason's daddy's hse to stay overnight on friday. So, get myself a new toothbrush!!! anw, there is an internal joke: claris love green tight pants. =p
$17 each from Esprit!! then i just found out that i can get another 20% off from melissa!!! aiyaya!!! ARGH!!! next time next time!! hahaha
AT jason's daddy house! ( kovan) LOOK AT MY EYES!!! oh man.. they are so not attrative anymore!!!! =(
I am suppose to meet patrick only! but... since my bestie- claris is so free on that day too ( coz her fren has pang seh her).. so i gonna intro him my friend to her!!! hahaha
Here is the FLEA MARKET!! very hot very hot....
Then Ice Kacang with Huiling...
MY DINNER!!! but didnt finish too... =(